Upgrade Amp or CD/Sacd...Help Needed

I have 3-grand burning a hole in my wallet.....My system consists of Mark Levinson 38S preamp....Nakamichi PA-7 200watt power amp...Sony SCD-XA777ES CD/SACD player....Jbl L300 speakers...All Acoustic Zen cables/interconnects.

My system sounds very good, but......I am looking to get that extra bit in dynamics. Would it make more sense to upgrade the CD/SACD to maybe an Ayre C-5XE or Upgrade the Amp to a Mcintosh MC252? My current setup is all RCA....the jump to either of the 2-choices would be balanced through the Levinson 38S.

I have narrowed my choice to the 2-mentioned, (no need to recommend other brands). I will die before I give up the L300's (there's probably enough wood from the Jbl's to make a nice casket) and am a Levinson Preamp advocate.

The Mcintosh has only 50-more watts than the Nak but the jump to a balanced run to the preamp may make a difference. The Ayre is highly regarded and sounds fantastic while allowing SACD playback which I have found addictive.

any advice welcomed,

I had the PA 7 for 25 years recently upgraded to a Pass Labs 350.5 which was a MAJOR improvement. Could not believe how much better the bass was not to mention improved detail and soundstage. Happy Holidays.
I went with a Modwright Sony and was amazed at the difference it made in my system.
I would also consider an S.E.T. tube amp as an upgrade.
Either way, it will be a step forward.
The original manufacturer's paperwork from JBL recommends 150WPC for optimum performance.

That being said, the SET tube amp is probably a very poor idea.

IMO, the Pass X350.5 won't be much of an upgrade over the Nakamichi but the higher powered models from the XA.5 series of Class A amps would.

Dealer disclaimer
Your post is somewhat neat in that you state there is no need to mention other brands (which is fine) as you probably know what you like.

However, dynamics are the last thing you need with L300's. You should have all the dynamics you can stand. I would think that maybe the source could be cleaner and that maybe is what your after. I have no idea on the amps. If you do not currently possess sacd capability and the money was mine, I would spring for the Ayre.

Have Fun!