Wow, everything posted for sale is ''light use''??

Seems that a VERY HIGH percentage of the gear posted for sale has been lightly used with next to zero hours in a smoke free, pet free, cafeine free, oxygen free, gamma ray free home with 10 air purifiers working all at once, and operated only on Sundays between 6 and 7 am at low volume.

Notice how tubes ALWAYS have low hours on them? Man are we lucky in this hobby! Everything stays new!

It cracks me up everytime to read the postings, but it is not because it is funny.
I would like to assume that once one can afford the really good stuff they then have no time to listen to it. Or they have so much money combined with "upgrade fever" that they are quick to move on. Buyer beware, all cases. I yet believe there are some real deals out there. As for me, I buy it to enjoy it. And only hope too get in as much time as possible to listen.
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That only matters if the price isnt in line with typical used gear. If its half its new price who cares? If however they sell for 80% or so of new price then I would be worried. Whats light use anyway? Its all in how one thinks its defined, some think 2hrs daily is light use, some would say 2hrs weekly is light, others 2hrs monthly so its just hard to define anyway.
All my gear is also gluten free and casein free.
With little to no exposition to muscle relaxants and long coat chihuahuas.