component break in

is there an average length of time for a component to break in, or does it depend on the kind ( amp, CDP, speaker) or type ( tube, transistor, cone or panel etc.) of component?
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"Break-In" could just be the length of time it takes your ears to become accustomed to the sound of new equipment added to your system.

Once an item reaches its thermal stabilized operating temperature there should be little change as long as new factors have not been introduced.

Try reading the many ,many threads already addressing this topic. The search function works quite well.
The recommended break in period for my speakers exceeds my life expectancy. I was not told this when I purchased them.
It really depends on the item. When I got my new original Dynaudio C1's I was told they need about 350 hrs to sound their best. I had never run into anything like that before. Anyhow out of the box they sounded great. BUT between 100 - 150 hrs they really sounded horrible. Highs were rolled off - bass was rolled off - mids got very shouty and I just wanted to cry. Magically just after 150 hrs they started to sound good again. At about 200 hrs they really sounded great and at 350 hrs finally settled down and sounded fantastic.

Now the only other things I have found to take a longer time to break in were new power cords and new vacuum tubes. Typically around 200 hrs. On the other hand my cdp only took about 25 hrs.

That has been my personal experience