Shipping to Norway?

What is the best way to ship a 350 lbs amp to Norway?
hi, check UPS Air freight service (i used them to ship Magnepans 3.6 to Japan)

one thing - when do online quotation, the rates changes depending on shipping day, the later shipping day gets cheaper.
If it's possible to get the amp delivered to the airlines that could be another option. I had my Vandersteen's sent to the airport near my home in China. Check with the airlines that fly to the U.S.
I'm not sure if this will be any easier or cheaper but it is worth making a call.
If they're speakers, I wouldn't ship them by air. The pressure change causes a lot of them to lose their ferrofluid. I guess they will leak it somewhere, and may cause damage. Maybe ask the manufacturer first to be sure.
I actually bought my speakers direct from Vandersteen and shipping through the airlines was their suggestion. I've been listening to them for almost four years without an issue.
It is not easy to ship overseas via surface mail now. "try" USPS stopped several years ago. Not sure about UPS? But their cost was way to high for China.

He is shipping an amp anyway:)