Best audio purchase of 2011

Let us know what was your best purchase this year.

I will start, found from a local dealer the Krell combo: Reference 64 DAC with the DT-10 transport. for those who are skeptical that ancient digital technology is easily surpased with new stuff, listening to this combo changed my mind. This was one of, if not the only piece of equipment which after trying out, and then reading the Stereophile review, i actually heard and agreed as to what the reviewer was raving about.
NBS Black Label II power cords! I finally made the plunge into this cable, and wow, what an incredibly amazing cord, IF all your other components are up to stuff! I started it off on my Wadia CD player in March, was totally astounded by it, then decided to buy another one in July to try it on my Krell preamp, and then much more wows! Finally, in December, right before Christmas, I decided to buy myself a nice present with two more cords for my two Krell monoblocks. Now with 4 NBS Black Lable IIs, and being flat broke, I've reached the audio promise land!!!! Never thought great power cords were the last missing link in achieving that ultimate in resolution, transparency and dynamics that I've heard so often at high-end audio demos!!!
I guess the best purchase of 2011 would have to be the only major purchase I made last year, an Audio Research DAC8, It's the most musical component I own, and seems to have effectively removed unwanted digital artifacts.