Fed up with people making noise at classical shows

Last night I heard Vladimir Feltsman perform Chopin's Ballades at the Perelman Theater in Philadelphia's Kimmel Center. My excitement was building as my favorite part of the first Ballade approached. Immediately before the key was struck, someone sneezed. It was at that moment that I asked myself, "What the hell am I doing here? I have this at home, recorded by three different pianists." Throughout the performance were the sounds of coughing, sneezing moving in one's seat, dropping of programs, and talking.

I know this is the chance you take when attending live classical concerts and I LOVE hearing live music, but frankly I'm sick of it. I'm sick of paying money for traveling and the ticket itself just to be annoyed for two hours. Last Tuesday night a ringing cell phone disrupted a performance by the New York Philharmonic to the point where the conductor actually stopped the orchestra half way through Mahler's Ninth and addressed the moron who wouldn't shut it off.

Once, DURING A PERFORMANCE, someone got out of their seat, walked up to the stage and began "conducting the orchestra" with an imaginary baton.

As I said, I love attending live music, but when things like this happen, I'm ready to just stay home and save myself the aggravation.

Sorry, just had to vent.
We expect people to be perfectly quiet at classical concerts, but not at other types of music peformances. Where did this come from? Has it always been that way. In some Jazz performances they applaude after every solo, and that is annoying. There were some pretty rowdy and indifferent audiences in AMADEUS. I wonder if that was historical correct?
I think its just American arrogance. In Europe they celebrate the joy of Classical and I dont think the same strict "code" is there. IMO Classical in America is much more considered an upper crust activity and that crowd is just too often arrogant.
Maybe I just want to hear the music. I expect the Dawg pound or the black hole to be an anything goes venue. What is OK in a football stadium isn't necessarily OK elsewhere. Most places have expectations with respect to appropriate behavior. There are things you just don't do in church. There are things you don't do in a concert hall. I don't think think that is arrogance, I think it is common sense. Alas, common sense is not always so common.
Its arrogance when folks complain about a sneeze, and lets not pretend some of those women dont where horrible and over used perfume that can make people sneeze to begin with. Its entirely possible a man looks disgustedly backwards at the sneeze yet it was caused by his own wifes perfume.