Fed up with people making noise at classical shows

Last night I heard Vladimir Feltsman perform Chopin's Ballades at the Perelman Theater in Philadelphia's Kimmel Center. My excitement was building as my favorite part of the first Ballade approached. Immediately before the key was struck, someone sneezed. It was at that moment that I asked myself, "What the hell am I doing here? I have this at home, recorded by three different pianists." Throughout the performance were the sounds of coughing, sneezing moving in one's seat, dropping of programs, and talking.

I know this is the chance you take when attending live classical concerts and I LOVE hearing live music, but frankly I'm sick of it. I'm sick of paying money for traveling and the ticket itself just to be annoyed for two hours. Last Tuesday night a ringing cell phone disrupted a performance by the New York Philharmonic to the point where the conductor actually stopped the orchestra half way through Mahler's Ninth and addressed the moron who wouldn't shut it off.

Once, DURING A PERFORMANCE, someone got out of their seat, walked up to the stage and began "conducting the orchestra" with an imaginary baton.

As I said, I love attending live music, but when things like this happen, I'm ready to just stay home and save myself the aggravation.

Sorry, just had to vent.
I just dont have it in me to get mad about unintended noise, life is too good for that pettiness. Some are rude for sure but the sneeze and cough isnt in that spirit.
Add, nose blowing-throat clearing-whispering-playing with the concert program-purse rummaging-crinkling candy/gum wrappers and not being able to sit still. I think this covers it. Remember when attending a formal concert, "silence is golden"!
Very interesting posts. In my opinion, I do not go to concerts, the theater, movies, etc. to hear the life of the person sitting near me. I came to see the movie, hear the performance, see the dance, etc. I do find it extremely rude when people can't or won't shut up and sit still during the performance. If they are having bodily functions that are difficult to control, get up and go to the lavatory. It is that simply. I notice some posts here whereby derogatory things are said about others. That is totally unnecessary. It is amazing how rude some people can get when they are posting online, but in person, they would never talk to others that way. It is my belief that MC's assume that people will be polite enough to excuse themselves if they need to. But maybe they need to make a statement to the audience about being considerate to others. One classical concert years ago, the conductor stopped the orchestra, because people were talking and coughing to distraction, turned to the audience and asked them pointedly to stop and excuse themselves and then continued. During the remainder of the concert, no one coughed. Not one person. Remember, this is your body, and you are or should be in control of your body. You feel gas building up, go to the lavatory. You don't cut loose in a room full of people. You have to cough, unless, something is stuck in your throat, you can control this. If you have a cough or cold/flu, take something to prevent coughing until the concert is over. This is called being considerate of others. Some people don't realize that what they are doing is rude, and some people simply don't care as demonstrated in some of the reply posts here. Maybe a sign or a statement from the officials saying, that "the audience is here to see/hear the performance, not you or your phone, so please leave your cold, flu, talking, phone, conversation, etc. at the door". Again, certain performances dictate that you get up and dance, sing, etc. Others, you sit, be silent and enjoy the performance. Young people who's parents are sometimes five minutes older than they are were never taught or told and that is all that is needed. Simply ask them to be quiet. It is funny to me reading some of the negative posts. At what point is something rude to those people? I know they have limits also. Anyone remember the TV show Serenity? One line stays with me. There is a special place in hell at the lowest level for people that take advantage of women and for people that talk in theaters. Very funny.

This problem is not limited to classical venues. Live Jazz recordings suffer from noisey / indifferent audiences also. Esp those recorded in clubs. A good example is 'Ahmad Jamal at the Pershing.'
His performance of 'Poinciana' was magical, but the talking and laughing in the audience just ruined it. Maybe being there would have beeen different, but on a recording, it's just a shame. And the applause was very, very 'polite.'
What about violinist breathing? I have a sophie-Mutter sacd that I cannot listen to becasue of her breathing. I guess it's always something, as Miss Gilda always said.