Fed up with people making noise at classical shows

Last night I heard Vladimir Feltsman perform Chopin's Ballades at the Perelman Theater in Philadelphia's Kimmel Center. My excitement was building as my favorite part of the first Ballade approached. Immediately before the key was struck, someone sneezed. It was at that moment that I asked myself, "What the hell am I doing here? I have this at home, recorded by three different pianists." Throughout the performance were the sounds of coughing, sneezing moving in one's seat, dropping of programs, and talking.

I know this is the chance you take when attending live classical concerts and I LOVE hearing live music, but frankly I'm sick of it. I'm sick of paying money for traveling and the ticket itself just to be annoyed for two hours. Last Tuesday night a ringing cell phone disrupted a performance by the New York Philharmonic to the point where the conductor actually stopped the orchestra half way through Mahler's Ninth and addressed the moron who wouldn't shut it off.

Once, DURING A PERFORMANCE, someone got out of their seat, walked up to the stage and began "conducting the orchestra" with an imaginary baton.

As I said, I love attending live music, but when things like this happen, I'm ready to just stay home and save myself the aggravation.

Sorry, just had to vent.
This problem is not limited to classical venues. Live Jazz recordings suffer from noisey / indifferent audiences also. Esp those recorded in clubs. A good example is 'Ahmad Jamal at the Pershing.'
His performance of 'Poinciana' was magical, but the talking and laughing in the audience just ruined it. Maybe being there would have beeen different, but on a recording, it's just a shame. And the applause was very, very 'polite.'
What about violinist breathing? I have a sophie-Mutter sacd that I cannot listen to becasue of her breathing. I guess it's always something, as Miss Gilda always said.
OK, I can't take it anymore. I think you guys are taking this a little too far. I think we can all agree that a perfectly quiet audience is best, and that some people are clueless and selfish, and .... But, it's not reality. We can't have it both ways. We can't have that which makes live performances special (the humanity) and expect total absence of it a the same time.
If some extraneous noise at a performance can ruin (!?) the experience for you, then IMO you simply don't get what is special about the live experience to begin with.

****His performance of Poinciana was magical, but the talking in the background just ruined it****

Which is it? Was it magical? Or was it ruined?

Listened to Bill Evans' Village Vanguard sessions lately? Didn't stop Evans from making amazing music. If he can do that with the talking in the background, surely I can muster up a way to enjoy it.
I was speaking of a recording. That means you hear it every time you play it. It's like the audience being between you and the player. Thats a little different from being in the mood and moment at the club live. Violinist breathing, I would not even hear that at the live event. But I do hear it on CD. I hear it everytime I play it. Its louder than the soft passages of the music. Sorry I didn't make it clear.