Fed up with people making noise at classical shows

Last night I heard Vladimir Feltsman perform Chopin's Ballades at the Perelman Theater in Philadelphia's Kimmel Center. My excitement was building as my favorite part of the first Ballade approached. Immediately before the key was struck, someone sneezed. It was at that moment that I asked myself, "What the hell am I doing here? I have this at home, recorded by three different pianists." Throughout the performance were the sounds of coughing, sneezing moving in one's seat, dropping of programs, and talking.

I know this is the chance you take when attending live classical concerts and I LOVE hearing live music, but frankly I'm sick of it. I'm sick of paying money for traveling and the ticket itself just to be annoyed for two hours. Last Tuesday night a ringing cell phone disrupted a performance by the New York Philharmonic to the point where the conductor actually stopped the orchestra half way through Mahler's Ninth and addressed the moron who wouldn't shut it off.

Once, DURING A PERFORMANCE, someone got out of their seat, walked up to the stage and began "conducting the orchestra" with an imaginary baton.

As I said, I love attending live music, but when things like this happen, I'm ready to just stay home and save myself the aggravation.

Sorry, just had to vent.

think about what you just wrote.........

You justified 10 unprovoked sophomoric posts by saying somebody called you out AFTER you posted them?

Thanks for making my day. I come here to get entertained and you just posted the most humorous thing I've read in a long time.

Take care

Ummm, yeah ok thats exactly what I said, if that ends this then so be it, if you need last word insert below. Cheers
Why is it that someone who always, and I mean always, gets in the last word should then accuse others of trying to do the same? And the P/A "cheers"?

This is not an attack, nor have I called anyone out. It's simply an observation. In fact, the comments are rhetorical and don't warrant a reply.
I attended a Aussie Floyd show a few years ago. Behind me sat 2 couples that I'd guess were in their early 20s. The 2 men were into the show and focused on the music. The 2 ladies spent the ENTIRE time talking (loudly over the music), laughing, and texting. They appeared to have no interest in the music. Why bother coming if that's the case. I did my best to ignore them but it was frustrating. A cough or sneeze is of no concern to me but the above scenario is crossing the line so to speak.
Pdspec1: Exactly my point. Talking loudly and laughing over the music at a rock concert is the equivalent to coughing and sneezing throughout a quiet classical piece with solo piano. Obviously a cough or sneeze is of no concern to someone attending a rock concert. We have to put things in perspective here. I wish someone else saw it that way too...

So yes, I agree with you.