Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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sabai, please stop these Rants of post, this has been a very good thread, if you have problems with any one, I ask you to take it to E-mails instead of polluting this thread with negativity, please respect my wishes here, please!
Hi hows it all going.Im waiting for my bits to arrive,I couldn't help myself and ordered the gtx rhodium as well.If it doesn't work for me now,im sure it will in the future.Ive decided the kef ls 50 speakers are only temporary in my system.Amazing little speaker they are,Im missing full range speakers.I don't think ill be happy until I have B @ W 802 or 800 speakers for a year or two.I love those killer looks.Not his year,maybe next.
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