Volleyguy-The answer is probably demand. Since modern mass market electronics run on low voltage (less than 24V), mylar film caps and the like are whats used in mass market stuff. Oil caps are typically used only high voltage equipment and it is a much smaller market.
The audio market for oil caps is rather small and limited to smaller boutique manufacturers. Paper in oil is popular in audio so these are made but that leaves little room for film in oil. There is probably somebody making these. You'll have to look.
You could try the paper or metal foil in oil types. Or try something like the Jupiter beeswax caps.
The audio market for oil caps is rather small and limited to smaller boutique manufacturers. Paper in oil is popular in audio so these are made but that leaves little room for film in oil. There is probably somebody making these. You'll have to look.
You could try the paper or metal foil in oil types. Or try something like the Jupiter beeswax caps.