Audio stuff I've lost in my own home...

I have had a few audio related items disappear from my home over the years. Not misplaced but gone. I've searched over and over for them to no avail.
1.Set of 2 brand new Eichmann Bullet RCA plugs unopened.
2.Krell remote for a 300i integrated amp, since sold.
3.One of the three little black nuts that hold the VPI nameplate down on my turntable.
Has this happened to anyone else or is it just me?
There was the SONY discman that I put in a bag with some groceries and proceeded to throw down the garbage chute, once I unpacked the groceries.

man you must keep a tidy organized home. i am impressed. i,ve lost more than that within arms reach of my recliner. i,m currently looking for a dozen rechargeable aa batteries stolen from my remotes by my 12 year old for his xbox controller. gone!!!
I have lost several cartridges among many other things. One right off a shelf; no , no one else took it unless it was the little people. I can't find some parts I ordered for a tone arm right now; the anti skate outrigger for my Grace 707 has been missing for a couple of years. I have a box of parts for my SME arms that is here somewhere [maybe]. I haven't seen my good multimeter in a few years either. All told, you aren't doing badly.
If security camera will not help, than you should contact ghost hunters to install their equipment in your home.