Dedicated circuit question

I will be having an electrician install a dedicated circuit for my listeneing room in a few weeks. This will be for two channel only. I have a pair of Bel Canto ref500m's, Aesthetix Calypso pre and an Ayre CX-7eMP as a source. Should I get two lines? One for the power amps and one for the pre and CDP? Or do I really need three to keep the digital source seperate? Help please!
Might as well do a quad (2 recepticles) as a minium. A third recepticls would provide another option but NOT required. My previous setup used a Quad with the plan of purchasing a Exact Power regenerator. Therefore, adding a third outlet would not be required.

What brand audio recepticles are you installing?
You can use one for the amp and pre. The other for the CD Player. But 3 lines would be great for future changes.
I would have the electrician install a minimum of two circuts with a quad for each circut, just for future flexability, doesn't sound like you're going to really "need" two circuts now. If possible you could also have them run it in a 3/4" conduit as well. That way if there are any issues you can re-pull the circuts without having to re-open any walls. Again that would increase flexibilty in the future.