the meaning of the word "better"

thr word better is frequently used when comparing the sound of components.

yet, it leads to ambiguity when there is no statement of the specifics as to why one component is better than another.

aside from the obvious connotation that better entails a subjective perception, the termm leads to ambiguity when used by itself.

i would hope that in the future when the word better is used in the context of comparing components, the user will explain what he /she means by "better".
A component, such as an amplifier, can measure "better" than another, in its ability to accurately pass a square wave or some other known input signal. But that's really meaningless in terms of the audio experience, IMO. It doesn't matter if a component is "better". All that matters is that you, the listener, like it "better". Too many audiophile purchase based on what is claimed to be "better" and then end up whining about how their system is harsh or lacks detail, or some other BS. When you listen to two component in your system, the one you prefer is "better". That's it.
What ever any person thinks it is, all have different ears and listen rooms. Of course, it always applies to the next component you have already decided to purchase.
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Of course, "better" is subjective, and(by definition), "different." To me; If it(whatever has been changed) sounds more like what I hear, listening to live music; it's, "better!"