Are High End Audio Products Unreliable?

I don't know if it's just my bad luck but since I've gotten back into high end audio in the past year I have purchased several components that have developed problems that I have never experienced while owning mass produced Japanese components of the 70's and 80's.
First was my Well Tempered turntable. Granted , it was old, but the design is so simple that it should be pretty bomb proof. That one got a lot better once I got everything dialed in, but what a pain in the butt just to get it there.
Second was my Lehmann Black Cube phono preamp, which developed a bad channel. Then it was the Parasound JC-3 phono preamp that was bad out of the box, but was replaced with a new one (no issues since). Next, my Cambridge Azur 840C CD player developed issues loading CDs (no other issues but this is annoying). Then I bought a Furutech GT-40 DAC that had noise when playing computer files through the USB (replaced with a new unit which works great). Next, I bought a CARY SLI-80 amp that was physically damaged out of the box but worked fine at first, but after a couple of weeks developed an issue with the remote relay and required me to send it back for repair. I got a new unit from Upscale that is working great.
I'm not a total hamfist who is hard on equipment, I swear. I'm super careful with my stuff, I run everything through power conditioners, and know how to set up equipment. I must be unlucky. Or have others had similar experiences as mine?
Rok2id "Today the high end business is aimed at a very few folks, most with more money than brains, so, It could be that the Boy geniuses working in their garage or the boutique makers in the mountains, are a lot better at desiging the outside than they are at designing the inside. More into magic / hype, than audio engineering. The make beautiful stuff, just not very reliable.
Lo-Fi Rules!"

Really? Nice way to insult people. Not everyone is just out to make beautiful stuff that doesn't work.

Also just because someone is willing to spend more money on something than you would makes them stupid? I think it is you being closed minded to come to an audio forum and post as if you know all, and insult people who you don't agree with.

This hobby is about learning and finding what you like. You found it, good for you. Don't insult those you don't agree with just because they want to spend money on something they like.

No insult was intended. I offer my apologies to anyone who took it that way. Belive it or not, I sometimes type before I think. After reading it again, I withdraw it.
I'm happy to say that although I've had some issues with my various digital sources from time to time, I have experienced absolutely no problems with my current monoblock SET in over four years of healthy use. Same for my pre amp and speakers these past two years +.

From my experience - YES..and that hurts alot... after all, the "best sounding" amp is no better than a $400 receiver if you don't get to listen to music becasue it is broken again.
I have had some pieces that worked flawlessly but also had my share of equipment that either didn't work right or had some weird problems. I do feel that if I am willing to spend $5k or $10k on speakers or amp or whatever - the desinger / manufacturer should recognize the fact that this is relatively large sum of money for an audio equipment and proper attention should be paid to the quality of the product.
Most of my cheapo electronics never failed, but even if they did - I didn't feel so bad about it.
HOWEVER, when a $5k amp is not working right - I will surely remember that for a very long time.
If it works out of the box it must not be Hi End. Seriously, I won't take home a product from a dealer until he takes it out of the box and plugs it in and makes sure it works. I've had too many disappointments of unpacking a new component at home, all excited to see what it can do, and then it's DOA.

Failures in the field are minimal but I do have a back-up for every component. I expect some maintenance and repairs to play at this level.