Listening Chair?

I'm doing a complete overhaul to my current two-channel music room, and just wanted to know what brand and type of comfortable listening chair you use, is it cloth, leather and comfortable? I'm trying to find something that is modern looking, that is comfortable and does not have a rear seat height more then 38" high. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Take a look at Stressless recliners. I have one that is modern looking in red leather and it makes a great contribution to my system synergy. I got one that doesn't have too high of a back unless I slouch so the sound doesn't reflect right behind my ears and create a "hands behind your ears" amplification effect. Mine took about 10 weeks to arrive from Denmark or wherever they make them because I ordered it right before their month long vacation but the wait was totally worth it. Great WAF, too.
Stressless leather recliners are wonderful, comfortable, well built and great looking, but fairly expensive. If you want something very affordable and comfortable, try one of the Poang chairs from the Ikea store at about 1/10th the price.
I have looked for several years for a swivel glider chair that was not an over stuffed chair for my 2 channel room and finally found this one.
Mine is the large one but the actual height measures just under 39 inches with the adjustable head rest all the way down. The head rest is a great feature in that it tilts forward and back as well goes as up and down. I was not looking for a recliner in my music room but this one has that feature, but I never use it. It is leather and most comfortable. Most chairs are overstuffed. This one is not. Expensive, but I have been looking for several years.
I use a Stressless leather chair; have 4 altogether.Bought them all used on ebay.