In defense of quantum products.

There are many audio products that have the word quantum in their name. The brand names Synergistic Research, Bybee and Kemp and Audio Magic come to mind. There are others.

Frankly, some of the explanations for these products are difficult for me to understand. I understand the general theory of quantum physics but when it comes to the details I often find myself getting lost very quickly. Are the explanations offered up by makers of quantum products accurate or not? And does it really matter? Is audio about understanding what manufacturers say or about enjoying the music?

Personally, I am only concerned whether the product works in my system. If the explanation is satisfactory but it does not deliver I could not care less about the theories offered in their defense. Happily, I have been lucky with products from Synergistic Research, Bybee and Audio Magic. I have not used any Kemp products yet.

What have your experiences been with quantum products?
I first heard the Nordost QX4 at a show demo. During it, cables, supports etc were all changed in stages and made a difference. To me, the QX4 made the biggest difference of them all. They are insanely expensive new and just overpriced, second hand.
I bought 2 in stages less than half price and to my ears absolutely, no question, they made a big difference, the second less than the first, but still better with 2, so they are staying.

I tend to go second hand with tweaks, more likely to not lose on resale if they don't float your boat.
"I opened up a Bybee Qunatum filter...pitiful. What a waste of money! nothing in it except some black goop around the conductor that was inside a ceramic or plastic covering."

Just curious, did you try knocking off a Bybee Quantum Filter in your basement?
I always roll the dice when choosing components, cabling and tweaks. I have little choice since I live overseas and don't have the opportunity to audition products. The way I see it, nothing ventured nothing gained. Life itself is a roll of the dice when you open one eye in the morning. So why not audio?

Through trial and error I have been lucky to come up a big winner with my system. I have lost along the way too because that is inherent in trial and error. But over the long haul there is no question but that various quantum products have taken my system to a level that would have been impossible to achieve without them.
Onhwy61, to clarify, I have not ONLY been lucky. I have in fact been very rational and methodical about this. It has taken me 6 years to get here. Of course, luck always enters into it in audio because you never can tell before you push the on button, can you?
Sabai, To answer your question, I could not tell any difference when I used the Quantum filter.