
When listing an item's new retail, should the price be the current retail, or the price of the item at the time it was purchased? If you know someone bought an item for $2,500, it is 3 years old, and the say the current price is $3,300 and are asking $2,200 - is this appropriate and honest or somewhat not?
It is not the current MSRP that matters to me, it is my sense of what was paid for the used item being sold and whether someone is trying to get a windfall profit by suggesting what seller paid for it is somehow connected to the MSRP being listed in the Audiogon ad when it is no such thing (which I think is, many times, being done purposefully and knowingly deceptive). That is what seems dishonest to me. But, I'll buy from people who I deem to be honest and avoid those that do not seem to be. There is "business" and there is fairness, they don't have to be at odds. I've bored myself. Nevermind.

P.S. No question that real estate, as a rule, appreciates over time, the current crisis nothwithstanding - an anomoly does not disprove the rule. Buy that land in AZ and FLA today, and wait (smart money is already doing it).
I really don't care whether the seller lists an MSRP that was the actual cost of the actual item being sold, or the highest MSRP that an IDENTICAL item being sold ever had, even if that item was regularly discounted. On some level using the MSRP rather than the actual costs can avoid confusion for a purchaser when choosing the same item between different sellers. The practice of listing an MSRP that might have only been asked for one day of a given year, as a comparison to the discounted price being currently offered, is a standard retail practice. Are we asking Audiogoners to have a (much?) higher standard? Often times the seller wasn't the original buyer, and there's a good chance the current seller doesn't really know what the actual original cost was to the original buyer. Putting a some what accurate reference point is better than putting nothing. Let the buyer beware.
I do get peeved when a seller lists an untrue MSRP. I suspect that often times a seller uses the MSRP of a latter model for a previous one, e.g. listing the Mark IV price when selling the Mark III item. That's lazy and dishonest.
Unsound, don't think anyone can disagree with you regarding untrue MSRP - not even Bill:)

I guess I'll settle on a serial# and take it from there. Other than that, I just say "Uncle".
I guess you think 12" of snow is proof there is no global warming? An
anomalous variance from the trend does not in itself (other factors might - like
permanently loosing one's industrial base) change the endurance of the trend
over time. I'm telling you, buy land in Arizona and Florida, your grandchildren
will thank you - it worked for Bob Hope.

Do we really need to compare the enduring value of land with the slow rot and
decay of capacitors, resistors, power supplies and switches.

Any way, Jameson's on the rock and Bill Evans starting to play, aah!