Idol fans weigh in

I'm a big fan of the show and this season has been amazing.The collective talent this year far exceeds any other season IMHO. Jessica...phenomonal at any age and she's SIXTEEN!Other favorites: Elise, Skylar.Joshua is amazing as well, although I'm turned off when he screams the songs which he does too often. He was amazing last night.Phillip is not my cup of tea,although his ballad last night gave me 'goozies' and for once his face was not contorted which I find to be a big distraction.Holly will probably leave tonight but good lord she's 15!
My wife is into Idol way too deep. Joshua does scream too much but Jennifer Hudson wins the prize for screaming. I'd buy a Phil Phillips CD but the rest of the Idol crew are of no interest to me.
I'm a big fan of the show but I don't watch to decide what my next CD purchase will be. I think it is great TV entertainment. I grew up watching music and variety shows with my parents. Bobby Goldsboro (except for that stupid frog), Glen Campbell, Ed Sullivan, Smothers Brothers-there were a bunch on primetime then so I'm missing a bunch of others. AI is like those for me-entertaining. It is the one show I watch with my wife. Other than that we have separate TVs because I don't want to watch weight loss contest shows and she doesn't want to watch American Chopper or find out how "something is made" or a show about a pawn shop. (I may be Mr. Stuffy with my classical and jazz music but I prefer lowest common denominator trashy TV)
I agree that most contestants/winners fade away. And yes the cds that are subsequently produced are not what I would listen to. There's a lot of talent out there and AI showcases some of those people who would otherwise not have a venue.If I wasn't able to record and skip the commercials and other chessy stuff, I'd never be able to watch.IMHO these singers have given more than a few amazing performances.

Yes, there were few amazing performances but measure of good artist is consistency. Some of the previous winner coming back as established artist to perform at American Idol are just horrible. Taylor Hicks performance last season was below level of any amateurish contest I've ever seen. I just cannot imagine why anybody would pay money to listen to him.