looking to audition Running Springs P C--

Live in Chicago--interested to see if anyone has contact for selling above and allowing me to trial in my home with current equipment--and or, if you have a unit, I would compensate you for your time etc to simply plug a unit in, and see what it does for my system. Currently, CJ with Vandersteen Quatros--RS is highly recommended, however I do not want to lay out the cash until I have an idea of what I might be buying. Thanks---
Very good idea to audition first. Sad to hear about RS's fate. I was thinking seriously of carrying them until someone mentioned another product that quickly replaced his Dmitri once he heard it. I have one of those now and am breaking it in.
Brian @
Contact Jonathan Tinn @
Chambers Audio
4160 SW Greenleaf Drive, Portland, Oregon 97221
Telephone: (503) 221-0465
Email: info at chambersaudio.com
Great person to deal with!
I am up on the NW side (Edison Park) and use a RS Jaco in my system. Easy enough to unplug for a quick try if you are near by.
I am the largest Running Springs dealer in North America and can assure everyone that they are not going out of business. I have very recently delivered 4 units (in the last 30 days), shipped from the factory. I also have one of the new flagship Nicolai units here and it is awesome.

RTI (the capacitor business and parent company of RSA) was purchased by ATI Technologies (a large US based technology and manufacturing company). ATI has maven capacitor and RSA manufacturing to Pensilvania and appears to be very committed to delivering units and expanding the range.

I have sold Audience and RSA side by side and can tell you that there is no comparison. A less expensive RSA will outperform a more expensive Audience but I will leave the final verdict on that to anyone interested making a comparison.

Incidentally, RTI supplies caps to most of the major high-end companies (Focal, Wilson, Avalon, Aesthetix, and many others are on that) so is they and RSA were to go away, it would create and amazing void in the industry as a whole.