For the sound, or?????

About three years ago or so, we auditioned a tube amp with a pedigree name driving a set of speakers exactly like the ones my friend owned. It was certainly nothing to write home about. Actually, it was more than a bit mushy in the top end.
After we listened to it for an hour and a half, trying I/C's and speaker placement, they had to bring it to another room for a demo.
We still wanted to try a few I/C's so while we waited for the amp to be available again, I demo'd a few D/A's they had in stock just for kicks.
I hooked up the only other amp available at the time, an old scratched up 80 watt transistor name-brand amp the shop used for testing in the back room.
The speakers immediately came to life! Detail, control, subtle layering...POOF! It was all there.

We were shocked to say the least.

The amp we had been auditioning was in the 3-5K range and the old amp that had lived on the solder bench for more than ten years sells for around $120 on ebay in good shape, let alone a beat up example like this one.

A chat with both techs verified there had been no mods to the old Amplifier.
A listen by three different salesman and the techs from the back had heads shaking and smiles all around.

(He went home with the pricey tube amp.)

When I asked him why, he said he could not bring himself to own all that nice esoteric gear and have it powered by a name-brand 30 year old amp that he would have had to hide.

While I am far less interested in looks than most, I simply cannot imagine someone spending more to get the face-plates will complement each other. (Especially when the price difference was this outrageous)

More recently, I checked out a set of single driver home-made speakers. While we were playing with placement and measuring reflections, we ended up substituting the tube amp for a 35 year old 22 watt mid fi receiver.
The difference was instantly obvious and for the LOT better.

When I left, the tube amp was back in place.

Reason? "Because my SET friends would not believe it or take me seriously with that old Kenwood receiver powering my speakers.

I cannot help but wonder how many people have spent money for less sound and a prettier/more exclusive face plate.

How many of you have actually done something like this...or been there when it is happening right in front of you?
Put a tube amp in the microwave??? why was it wet in the first place? and ???!#$$? really?

But to the point. It comes down to what you appreciate in terms of why you are in this hobby in the first place. Some people want the most expensive and really don't listen to music. it is about status. Some really know and appreciate music and just want the most real reproduction of electronic signal to sound. Some have the WAF going and it better not be ugly. Which is why we have cabinets. But who am I to question why people do this? I can only be concerned about me. I have friends and acquaintences that think I'm nuts because of listening to music instead of background music and also because of the equipment I have. So, to each their own I guess.

it seems counter intuitive that a solid state amp would be preferable to a more expensively priced tube amp. then again. this hobby is subjective--one man's rapture is another man's rupture.

i have never had the experience of a decent tube amp being bested by a solid state amp. then again, i am partial to tubes.
It's simply a case of synergy. It's rare to find something that old and inexpensive that sounds better than the new, but it does happen. Now if you had tried the older unit in a half dozen systems with the same results that would be something.
Mrtennis said " i have never had the experience of a decent tube amp being bested by a solid state amp " I think he should get out more.
Lost count of the salesmen chasing me to the door as I was walking out after a audition of overpriced, over-hyped crap.
Jult52, sorry I missed your question. I cannot ID the gear.
Learned long ago unless it belongs to me...mums the word.
It was only my opinion and while it impressed us, who is to say that after a week with it he would have been satisfied.

Since I created this thread, the idea has solidified in my head (amazing, since it is 80% rocks) about people worrying about what looks good as much or more than what sounds good.

Some of the DAC's out there are prime examples. In blind tests, folks seem to go for the less pricey models. At least that has been my experience lately.