Would you trust a local dealer to help you put

together a modest system. (think $10k). Let's say you got tired of the whole "system building on my own thing." If you had a good local dealer, would you go take a chance on them and say "I want speakers, an amp and preamp (or integrated) that will sound good in a small to medium size family room." "I already have my sources." What's your take on this?
in the last few years many small manufacturers, selling direct have come into existence. no doubt, such a phenomenon poses a threat to an audio dealer.

however, it also raises the question of whether a consumer is better served by a manufacturer or a dealer.

for example, a speaker manufacturer may be a better source as to the suitability of amplifiers for his design.

i think the trend of manufacturers selling direct, especially when they sell more than one component will affect the viability of audio dealers.

in the long run i suspect there will be fewer large dealers and more home sellers.

let me put the issue this way:

if you assemble manufacturers who design all components, i think they are more knowledgeable than any audio dealer.
Mr. Tennis,

Hmmm...it depends on the complexity and level of integration that the system entails. But let's examine just the high-end market for a moment.

That would seem logical but what you end up with is consumer direct Audio Note, B&O, Naim, Linn, McIntosh or Meridian (good luck setting up a Meridian system PROPERLY without a dealer!). That's it.

And there'd be nothing wrong with that..FOR SOME; however, it is unlikely that the best digital minds will also manufacture the best analog equipment. You are daring to imagine a world without J. Gordon Rankin, George Cardas, Richard Vandersteen, Carl Marchisotto, or AJ Conti to name but a very, very few.

CES wouldn't need to be held in Vegas - it could be held at a local country club or ski resort. You wouldn't really need the audio press or online reviewers to keep covering those same all brand systems.

Hey, look at it another way - remove every manufacturer that only specializes in doing one thing (type of component or device) very well. There goes Berkeley, DCS, Sonos, Wilson, Rockport, Hansen, Verity, Magnepan, Aerial, REL, JL Audio, Kharma, Marten, Basis, B&W, Wadia, Cardas, Silverline, Nola, Harbeth, Hansen, Avalon, Ascendo, Daedalus, Audyssey, Devore, YGA, Pure Music, J. River, Amarra, Dynaudio, Focal, Scanspeak, Eton...well, I think you get the point.

Now remove electronics manufacturers that don't manufacture loudspeakers - Ayre, Bel Canto, Mark Levinson, Classe, Rotel, Nagra, Audio Research, Jeff Rowland, Simaudio, Cary, and this list goes on as well.

Plus, most manufacturers that I know well would prefer not to sell one unit at a time/consumer direct, pay to advertise in all markets, spend their days, evenings, and weekends on the phone troubleshooting or providing technical support, explaining computer settings for products that they do not sell but that their customers will need to use in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their product. It's funny to think that all we do is sit around and sell boxes and run back and forth between the bank and the shop.

How many of these consumer direct companies will send people out to look at your room and get a feel for your lifestyle and manner in which the system could best serve that lifestyle?

I do not know of any equipment manufacturer that can design and install a fully functioning, distributed A/V system on a multi-deck 100+ foot yacht? (Bob Stuart perhaps?) But I realize that some may see that as an extreme (any coastal high-end dealer would not) - how about something simple and common in almost every household...how many manufacturers of high-end can test, analyze, and solve HDMI issues? Probably a few.

As a dealer, I've invested $9,000 just in professional test equipment for troubleshooting HDMI problems. Consumers have learned the word "handshake" which is but a catch all phrase. Which specific handshake issue is actually causing the problem, why is it happening, and how do you solve it without swapping out different brands of equipment in the hopes of getting lucky?

I'd also like to say that I have yet to see an all-one-brand system take any best of show sound. WHY IS THAT?

Finally, some manufacturers have abandoned a dealer base and have gone the route of direct sales. For example, Bel Canto tried it and moved quickly back to a dealer base. Velodyne did it, too, not long ago and, well, they've all but dropped off the radar.

There is no doubt in my mind, even if I were not a dealer, that a dealer can service a consumer far better than a single manufacturer. I've said it above, earlier in this thread, not all dealers are cut from the same cloth but some are very passionate about what they do and those types of dealers are usually experts at what they do.

Suffice to say, the guys at Verity Audio manufacture a wonderful product but I wouldn't want Julien Pelchat (No offense Julien) wiring my home or designing the audio and VIDEO system on my client's boat. Hey, does anybody know if Dave Wilson can program Crestron? :)

Imagine if a powerhouse like Harman sold it's products factory direct - and if they rebadged everything under one brand. What you'd be buying would be Revel or JBL loudspeakers powered by Mark Levinson, Crown, and Lexicon amplifiers, and you'd have an HDMI version 1.2 Lexicon processor (with room correction), and a re-badged oppo for a blu-ray player. I guess you have to remove the Oppo since they have to make everything themselves - so you wouldn't have a source for DVD or Blu-Ray. Yikes! Sorry kids, we can't watch Barney the dinosaur. Sorry parents, you can't catch your breath while the kids are in front of the TV. Does Naim or Audio Note manufacture a Blu-Ray player?

And by the way, 99% of the high-end electronics companies do NOT manufacture video displays.

So, you've got hundreds of brands of electronics, displays, control systems, wire companies, and speakers. And one manufacturer is going to is going to be more knowledgable than a dealer?

Sorry - No way.

Plus, I would also like to say that of all of the loudpeaker, electronics, and wire manufacturers who I have visited over the past 22+ years, most only had 2 or three brands of other people's stuff in their sound/test rooms. They do not have the ability (time, expense, access) to test even 10% of the current models nor have access to everything produced prior.

Finally, not many, consumers realize that even the best companies utilize consultants, metal fabricators, parts suppliers, pay licensing royalties, share patents, buy other's parts, etc. The product that sits on your shelf with but one brand name or the loudspeaker that sits beside it are a combination of many companies efforts and minds.

Sure, a loudspeaker manufacturer can make several recommendations of amplifiers that will yield positive results with their product but they have likely not experienced the number of pairings that but one of their dealers will experience over the course of a single year.

I realize that you mentioned "audio only" dealers but there are already almost none of those remaining. But you also mentioned the term "large" dealerships and such dealerships, to the best of my knowledge, are not audio only.
Seattlehifi, you make many fair points. But as a consumer, let me tell you where I come from. First, as I have said in many other threads, I don't want to waste a salesperson's time. When I was a kid, a buddy and I used to hang out at a local super hi-end shop and shoot the breeze with the owners about audio. We didn't have a lot of money, but we saved and bought a lot of used gear from the shop -- when we could. But this shop didn't make its bucks on selling used gear to a bunch of kid stereo junkies. It was looking for the big fish who were going to drop major bucks on Tympanies, Crown electronics (in the day), Infinity Servo-Statics and so forth. So that's problem #1.

The second problem is that few dealers carry enough gear to showcase in order to do meaningful A/B comparisons between product A vs Product B. Yes, I know of a couple of dealers who showcase Vandies, but not Wilsons, and so forth. So what I'm left with is running from shop to shop, after I have taken up a salesperson's valuable time, trying to make an "informed" call. Yeah -- right. Moreover, being in the business world myself, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that a dealer will sell what its has. So there's goes objectivity out the window. That's problem #2.

The third problem as you said is knowledge about compatibility. The way I have dealt with that issue is to pick a reputable company and stay with its equpment. As you can see from my System description, I'm all ARC with respect to electronics. And by the way, that's no slur on the quality or cross-gear compatibility of other fine manufacturers. For example, over the years, based on my readings and so forth, I've come to greatly respect AtmaSphere gear and Ralph Karsten. Interestingly, I've had a few minor compatibility snafus, e.g., matching a carty with my VPI Classic TT, overloading the outputs of my preamp when trying to drive the amp and a self powered subwoofer. Fortunately, I was able to sort through my little issues with help from VPI, Audio research and Tom Tutay. That's problem #3.

So I'm left in a state of confusion and ignorance. In the end, I read what I can, to and fro with members on AudioGon, and maybe call a manufacturer. But in the end, I take my chances and hope for the best.

Final comments: I like the hobby very much. Yeah, I would like to sit around in a high-end shop, listen to the latest gear, shoot the breeze with my favorite salesperson, and pick up a few pointers. But that just doesn't work given my biases and preferences.

As usuaul, just my opinion.