Do Cable Makers Know Their Own Products?

Like most of you, I have owned cables from many different manufacturers. How many of these cables are truly distinct from similar products put out by competing manufacturers? In my experience, there are some truly distinct cables out there but most fall into a gray area when they meet my system.

I was wondering if manufacturers would be able to recognize their own cables if they were put in a room with a high end system with someone conducting true A/B testing. For the sake of argument, let's say we put 5 top manufacturers in a room to test their top interconnects, speaker cables and power cords -- and their next-to-top interconnects, speaker cables and power cords. That means 5 manufacturers listening to 10 models of each cable. Before the testing begins we give them an hour to get used to the sound of this system. Would they be able to pick out their own cables?
Interesting question. However, since many folks believe cables are system-dependent, how each cable sounds on given system might be completely different than the factory reference system. Can you imagine being the manufacturer, and, after listening to a couple of good sounding cables you hear a sound that's dark, dull and constricted. You state "those sound like crap" then admit they're yours. For this to work, it would take a level of honesty I don't think exists with cables.
If a manufacturer can identify cables, speakers, amplifier, preamp or anything else it means their product has obvious colorations. The real question is can you identy these products by their sound.
You state "how each cable sounds on given system might be completely different than the factory reference system." Absolutely correct. Which is why I say "we give them an hour to get used to the sound of this system".

You state "For this to work, it would take a level of honesty I don't think exists with cables." Absolutely correct, in most cases, IMHO. Can you imagine one cable sounding fantastic and only one manufacturer wanting to claim its theirs? Or can you imagine one cable sounding really bad and even one manufacturer stepping up to the plate admitting its theirs?

So, my point is "how honest do you think cable makers are?"