Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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David, that's cool!, hey, I was really hopeing you got both the recepticles, you have solid state, I believe you could have sold the looser to one of us here for a fair price for you and them, man!, I am confused more than ever now!, go ahead and laugh, I am having more problems on this damn decision than any other, LOL!
Audiolab, here are my thoughts:

I spent some time tonight comparing the High Fidelity to the Purist and my old cheapo Acoustic Zen MC2 digital cables. The Purist had the widest soundstage and a weighty sound but ultimately it sounded too rolled off for my taste. Don't get me wrong the Purist had a nice, easy sound to it but it was not a good match for my speakers and already slightly warm system. Compared to the Purist the HF sounded very clean and airy with very good retrieval of detail and nuance. Bass was also very good. I did miss the weight of the Purist though. Vocals had more of a 3d feel to them with the Purist. I then plugged back in my old Acoustic Zen cable. I was amazed that it sounded like it was a mix of the Purist and HF. The AZ didn't do anything as well as either cable but it had characteristics of both. It had weight to vocals, good retrieval of detail and a wide soundstage. At this point I am not inclined to upgrade my digital cable. But if I had to pick between the Purist and HF I would choose the latter. I wonder what the Ultimate version sounds like or how much more money I need to spend to get enough of an improvement for me to upgrade?
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