Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
zydo, Just what would proof about a Quantum product, any other tweak, or component for that matter, consist of? A serious query, by the way. The lack of said proof, or even clear agreement what a proof would be, makes so many of these discussions circular, pointless and acrimonious.

I happen to agree about most tweaks, but not Quantum products and no, I could,nt give a coherent explanation of Quantum theory, to save my live. darn it, it works for me though. I can,t think of anyone who has listened to my setup and not heard a clear difference, largely, it seems from a lower noise floor. I agree they are overpriced, which is why I bought mine less than half price, second hand.

some items I have tried and been disappointed with, in no particular order:

stillpoint Ultra SS
Karan K180 integrated amp
living Voice Avatar speakers
nordost Valhalla power cable
Unison Research S6 integrated amp

I could go on. Most were second hand and sold at minimal loss, so not all bad.
Polk432 wrote,

"I've borrowed Bybee, Shakti, Tice and other tweeks from a friend that used to be in the audio business, and I'll take a Rolex any day. Even he admitted that they made little if any difference in sound."

I hate to judge before all the facts are in, but it appears, at least for your dealer friend, to be a case of operator error or an insufficiently resolving system as the tweaks you mentioned have excellent track records. C'est la vie.
Who would admit that they paid lots of money for something that made little to no difference? If you have good equipment you don't need tweeks. If you like wasting money, fine. I'll still take a Rolex. If Bybee bullets sell for 2K and make 20K difference in sound as claimed, then why don't they sell for 20K? Shakti's 1200 to 1700 for a few pieces of wood? Yeah, right.
Polk432 wrote,

"Who would admit that they paid lots of money for something that made little to no difference?

If you have good equipment you don't need tweeks. If you like wasting money, fine. I'll still take a Rolex."

I'm kind of getting this weird feeling you just answered your own question.

I'm a Timex Ironman kind of guy, I guess.