
Okay, I've been out of the selling game for a number of years, so maybe I'm just not informed. However, I thought that paypal only charges 3% if a credit or debit card is used? If checking is used there are no transaction fees I thought. So why does EVERYONE on this site and Audio Asylum ask for extra money when using Paypal? This seems rather disingenuous to me. If you want to cover paypal charges then make if for when Paypal actually charges you, if you want to make a few extra bucks then raise your price. It just irks me. What am I missing? Are there charges I don't know about?
Wow, this thread took a stroll down bizarro highway. I hadn't realized that Paypal and Obama were so intricately connected. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Still, I seriously doubt that they will be able to overcome the awesome power of the Gay-Inuit-Disney-People who make those plastic things at the end of shoelaces Alliance! (otherwise known as the "GIDPwmtptateosA") Now THAT is a powerful group.... and you don't mess with GIDPwmtptateosA!!!

But sersiously, my original point is that it seems like some sellers are using Paypal as an 'excuse' to add charges that either don't exist or are greater than the real charges. Someone above pointed out the whole 4% crap when it is really just under 3% and the whole getting charged when I am paying using checking is just silliness. It isn't the money so much as the principle. I've sold things for years and I have never seen until recently, a situation where the seller expect their buyer (read: customer) to cover their costs of doing business. Classifieds have almost always cost money, so this isn't an excuse. Even cashing checks cost money for some people, albeit usually the poor. What is next, I need to pay a seller's checking account fees for the right to buy their equipment? I just don't get why these folks feel the need, or indeed the justification, in charging for their
own expenses. To me it is just an underhanded way to get a few more dollars than their items are actually worth.

I have an idea, maybe buyers should start charging for their costs, like getting money orders or the interest you accrue on your credit card when you buy their equipment.... Just figure out the cost and deduct it from your offer. I'm sure sellers would understand..... Wink, wink.
If the buyers don't like the fees they can buy new and pay more. There are listing fees, paypal fees, shipping fees, and final sales fees. What should a seller do? List the equipment for next to nothing, or just ask for the fees and nothing else? I'd throw the item away before I'd give it away to a lowballer.
Buying or selling, FEES everywhere, all about the $money$ nothing else, like the start of a new-wave tax system.
Polk.., I agree with you 100%, but soon lustful fees would overwhelm ebay and either drastically decrease the value of used item or will bring it close to the price of new. One thing I know that I'm not friendly anymore neither to ebay or paypal and sell stuff substantially more on CL. Just a bit of some extra work to advertise in few surrounding different states.
Polk, either I am misunderstanding you or you are misunderstanding me (or rather the point of my thread). I am complaining that people are doing two things:
1. Charging the buyer fees to cover costs that they themselves did NOT have to cover/pay.
2. Or OVERcharging for those fees.

So, while I don't mean to be rude, I object to the notion that someone needs to pass on false charges to me under the guise that they are covering expenses. I don't see how that factors into the price you get for your equipment one tiny jot; 0% of ANY number is zero. So if you are
paying $0 surcharge, why charge 3% and then claim that if you didn't you'd be "giving" your equipment away? I call BS.

As for lowballers, that is an entirely different issue and is unrelated. Set
the price you want for your equipment and see if the market values it that much. It it does, mazel tov. It it doesn't then keep it. Again, no need to pass on fees. You know why? I'll explain:

Unlike others I will still buy from someone who charges for paypal, but I simply factor that into the price I am willing to give them. So if I am buying an amp and it is worth, say, $400 then I'll offer $400. If they want 3% for paypal I'll probably offer $390 or $380. The seller got NOTHING by charging me for paypal.... But he probably drove away some potential buyers.

One last note: I don't know anyone who doesn't expect to pay for
shipping. Only companies and a few sellers in rare cases offer to ship for nada and always as a sort of inducement to purchase. What's more, the so-called free shipping is often built into the price, so again, much of the time you (in this case the buyer) gains little but it sounds really good.

So to me this is simple: build the fees into how much you expect to get for your equipment. I know I am building those fees into what I am willing to pay and I am much more attracted to sellers who don't seem like they are nickel and diming me even if they are getting every nickel and dime. It is just smart.

Then again, that's just my opinion. People have ignored my infinite wisdom before...... ;)