08-28-12: Hotmailjbc
This discussion has me thinking of how we sold audio back in the 70s/80s. The most effective strategy i used was to never show people entry level gear first.
That period was about the end of my involvement in working at an audio store, I was gaining success with my photography and moving away from audio, at least as a career.
The store I worked for then had everything from grand pianos and marching band equipment to PA systems for churches and high end audio.
When people came into our department you never knew if they were a student killing time, waiting to get their guitar tuned up or maybe a member of a famous rock band in town looking around to see what we had.
My approach in those days was first see if they were responding to an ad, because we frequently ran double page in the newspaper and that brought in lots of lookers.
What I did that was different was sell on quality. If someone was looking at a brand that I knew was not the best sound I made an attempt to demo better sound that was either the same price or very close.
Often this involved two competitors products alternately hooked up to the same speakers and turntable with a few minutes music on a familiar LP.
The look of shock on the customers face was priceless. Many who had no expectation of hearing any difference were shocked at how different products sounded. I made a lot of friends this way, I actually helped people get better sound and not by screwing them or digging for more money.
Some would spend the bucks for B&W, Audio Research or other premium brands we carried but many were just young people who wanted something great to listen to music.