Audiophile 'Attitude'

Okay, we love our hobby: we love the music, the equipment, the esoterica, and the deranged quest for perfection the likes of which would make even the greats of classical composition shake their heads. But you've got to admit that there exists a certain 'attitude' among some of our group that can be..... difficult. Often this is sexist, arrogant, elitist, impatience, and so on. I think this would be a fertile ground for interesting stories, some humorous and some just jaw dropping. Would anyone like to share? Remember, there are many stories about those other folks outside the hobby who don't get our brilliance and force us to painfully tolerate their ignorance, I'm talking 'bout the other side: WHEN

I will gladly start: when my wife and I decided to sell our entire Vandersteen home theater (this is different tale of audiophile arrogance, btw) we started looking for a new brand and a new sound to replace my
formerly beloved Vandys. My first 'target' was Martin Logan. It just so happened that there was a ML dealership less than a mile from where I lived at the time in Champaign, IL. Wonderful I thought! So my wife and I toddled over there.

Now it should be noted that my wife has become quite an audiophile herself. She wasn't this way when we met, but she has become fairly well educated in matters of audiophillia, she has an excellent ear, and she is a brilliant woman (she is a vice president for Bank of America after all). So we choose much of our equipment together.

So we go into this ML dealership with about four CDs In hand to get a brief audition and ask to hear some MLs. Instead of going straightaway to letting us listen the salesman decides he needs to try and 'sell' us on the MLs, the very speakers we'd come to hear in the first damn place! So after tolerating his drivel for a few minutes my wife's asks a question. Instead of answering her, he answers me.... then he turns to my wife and, while pointing to that screen with holes that MLs have on so many of their speakers, he says, "now this isn't here so you can hang clothes to dry."

It honestly took me a second to realize what he had just said and I think my wife wafinally looted. After a couples seconds I said, "well, I guess we won't want these speakers then." And we walked out. We also scratched Martin Logan off of our list. No one treats my wife that way.

Okay, your turn....
08-28-12: Hotmailjbc
This discussion has me thinking of how we sold audio back in the 70s/80s. The most effective strategy i used was to never show people entry level gear first.

That period was about the end of my involvement in working at an audio store, I was gaining success with my photography and moving away from audio, at least as a career.

The store I worked for then had everything from grand pianos and marching band equipment to PA systems for churches and high end audio.

When people came into our department you never knew if they were a student killing time, waiting to get their guitar tuned up or maybe a member of a famous rock band in town looking around to see what we had.

My approach in those days was first see if they were responding to an ad, because we frequently ran double page in the newspaper and that brought in lots of lookers.

What I did that was different was sell on quality. If someone was looking at a brand that I knew was not the best sound I made an attempt to demo better sound that was either the same price or very close.

Often this involved two competitors products alternately hooked up to the same speakers and turntable with a few minutes music on a familiar LP.

The look of shock on the customers face was priceless. Many who had no expectation of hearing any difference were shocked at how different products sounded. I made a lot of friends this way, I actually helped people get better sound and not by screwing them or digging for more money.

Some would spend the bucks for B&W, Audio Research or other premium brands we carried but many were just young people who wanted something great to listen to music.
I agree with Minorl, several times over the years I bought small items from AV South in Tampa and they acted like snobs. At first I thought it was me. Last time I was there I waited 1.5 hours for a price on a used Linn Classik. The saleaman said, " you're going to tell me what you will pay for this". When I made a good offer ( no box, manual, power cord, IC, wire, adapters, or antennas were included) the salesman (that I had bought from in the past) rudely blurted out NO!!!!! So that everyone could hear him. Instead of me back fisting him a good one or reminding him that I could pay cash for anything in the store (he works there and can't say that) I called Linn and spoke with Collin and e-mailed them about how rude a company representing them was. I also let them know how well I was treated by Accent Hi Fi in NY, a shop In Philly, Sarasota, and a few other places that I purchased Linn products and was told that they take these kind of complaints seriously. I never knew how seriously until I called Accent Hi Fi and bought a Linn Adikt cart from them. I explained why, and Alma told me that they received a copy of the e-mail I sent Linn, so I guess the nice people were commended by Linn and received a copy too. Av South will never get another penny from me again.
here is the dilemma with buying on-line or at a store. usually, you can get the same item for less on-line. if you want to pay more to keep jobs in the us, go ahead.

but if you want to save money , go online.

as far as reporting rude behavior, i don't think it's worth the time.

i don;t take it personally, and will not report people for not being nice. by not patronizing a company , someone will figure out that there is a problem, and solve it.
don't many on-line companies have a staff, building, inventories, and investment in knowledge and a new business plan? i have saved big bucks buying on-line or direct. it is not my job to pay more because some capitalist decided to invest in a brick and mortar biz models. the last time i walked into a top audio store they wouldn't give me the time of day [much less a demo] when the salesguy determined i wasn't in the market for a high end home theatre custom install. no disrespect meant but i don't get any extra value paying full price at retail store.
Nothing but good experiences with salespeople in the old "brick and mortars". If they had the time and the gear was set up, they were eager to show quarter million dollar systems to a young working Joe just browsing. Been a long time since I've been in that kind of a store. Not many around anymore to inspire young ears.