We can finally email through Audiogon again.

I'm so glad the Audiogon staff realized the need for communication with other members and added the email back to the forum.
I so missed the contact with other Agoners.
I hope everyone feels the same as I do about this topic.
How do we do this? I clicked on your name and sadly saw nothing I could click to e-mail you. I have greatly missed that feature
It doesn't really provide a personal e-mail link. All Audiogon did was move the "private" message (that used to have a little box that you checked to make it private), to it's own seperate link.

If read the "blog", they claim the e-mail part will be restored in a few months...I think we've heard this before?

"We hope that you’re excited to use Member On-Site Messaging 1.0! In the coming months, we’ll be introducing a new version that will enable you to send attachments and respond to messages directly from your personal email."

Roscoeiii; Go to "member lookup", type in the username of the member you wish to contact, and click "send message" under related links to the right.
I tried sending a message to Z-man to test this out. To message each other this is what I did.

Log in via the MyPage link when you first get onto Audiogon.

Then you will see the Inbox button next to the MyPage button.

click on it and you will go to another screen.

look up the member username and press member look up button

member name comes up and so does the send message link on the right

Type message and press send.

I hope this helps and I'm going to be trying this. I have missed corresponding with members. It is good to have something in place.