Electronic Retailer's, Going By?

good article in the wsj today on subejct. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444772804577621581739401906.html?KEYWORDS=electronic+retailers

Much of the journal applies to the brick and mortar audio retailer specialist. If the big guys are having trouble, small shops are under dead threat from the online crowd.

What do you think?
buying on-line with return privilege (in-home audition) seems to me the viable future for the audio business.

it lets you hear a component in your stereo system.

if a dealer will lend equipment why bother to listen to it at the dealer. you can't tell whether you will like the component in your stereo system.
Good point Mrtennis. I just love going to my dealers place to be surrounded by amazing gear. My local guy owns the business and its just him and his wife. No high pressure sales. Sometimes we go for a cocktail or have dinner. I will only buy from him because I like the lines he carries and he can pretty much get me anything he doesn't. As a result I get stuff like cables at his cost. I saved $300 on my speaker cables alone. He will let me borrow gear if my stuff is in the shop so I'm not without tunes. It's just nice. I feel lucky.

To Bunecoro,

I have almost zero stock products, the money is tied up into display inventory only. When we make a sale we order a product.

Dear Mr. Tennis, you are missing the point of what a dealer does, a dealer is more than just a lending library, a good dealer will guide the user to picking the right components and accessories that will make their system come alive.

When you work with a good dealer most likely that dealer will become your working partner and can help guide you to create the sound you are hoping to create.

When you do the go it alone route it is just you without the benefit of professional assistance, now I am not saying that over the years that I haven't met some talented and well informed end users, but in most cases I have been able to make huge improvements in peoples systems often without changing a single component.

It is very rare that an end user can match a professionals level of experience.
Audiofreakgeek.....in my experience most dealers can only get it right with gear they sell but if you are interested in something outside what they sell then it's a crap shoot at best. Dealers want to sell what they carry and to many will tell you once you go looking outside what they sell that's it's just no good! Retailers are just another car dealer IMHO.