Isolation Devices: Any Good Ones?

I'm considering some Isolation devices to place under my Esoteric X-05 CD player. I have actualy tried Stillpoins Ultra SS ($675 for 3) and they did make a difference. I'm interested to hear from those of you who have tried others like Wave Kinetics ($700 for 4), KWO Super Heated Metal Foam Pedestals ($415 for 3), Nordost Sort Kones ($260 for 4) or any others that markedly helped vibration control. Thanks!
I am slowly becoming a fan of high-end audio. We are currently placing more high-end hi-fi products in our reference playback suite.

Our recording studio has had great success with the Sistrum products under our recording desk, digital effects processors and microphone tube pre amps. There is a pair of them available on this site at a very reasonable price.

In speaking with the manufacturer, Sistrum products have been out of production for the past two years as the company has relocated while recovering from a flood. They stated that the twelve year old Sistrum will be back in production later this year along with a couple of new products that improve upon the Sistrum values.

We would enjoy hearing from the forum experience as to how these older designs might be compared to the newer cones and products mentioned in this thread.

Always looking to improve sound quality and enjoy reading all the opinions and input.
I had the SR MIGS and sold them off. The sand boxes blew them out of the ball park. Sand boxes may not look pretty but since the music is the most important thing you lose sight of them pretty fast.
I use large Tupperware-style containers filled with dry sand under all my components as well as speakers. This is the best I have found and I have used many isolation devices, some very expensive and well-known ones. The sand boxes beat them all by a country mile. In my system.
I use fish bowls filled with liquid mercury. It takes a while to break in but when it does you loose all sense of connection with anything at all related to the transmission of musical harmony. Tom