Isolation Devices: Any Good Ones?

I'm considering some Isolation devices to place under my Esoteric X-05 CD player. I have actualy tried Stillpoins Ultra SS ($675 for 3) and they did make a difference. I'm interested to hear from those of you who have tried others like Wave Kinetics ($700 for 4), KWO Super Heated Metal Foam Pedestals ($415 for 3), Nordost Sort Kones ($260 for 4) or any others that markedly helped vibration control. Thanks!
Thanks for your impressions. I have been looking at them but have not heard from anyone who has actually used them -- before your comments.
The laugh is the playing with materials that only lead to a dead end. Nothing reactive or geometrically conductive in a bag of sand or a box of lead. These materials have a high saturation point but also have a very slow time release of that same energy. They cause much coloration to the device to which they are applied . Nothing musically pleasing about these materials. Tom
I have used the Tranquility Bases since June 1. A quite remarkable product. Excellent results under all 4 components I have now used them with- Marantz SA11-S1 SACD player, Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player, Art Audio PX-25 tube amp, and Eddy Current- Zana Deux OTL tube amp. The Marantz SA11-S1 had a significant improvement even though the player was heavily modded-upgraded. I find it interesting that both tube amps improved and that one amp has output transformers and the other amp does not use transformers. Next I hope to move my speaker crossover networks out of the cabinets and try the Tranquility Bases under the networks.
The problem is that you are listening to my system with theoretical ears. You are not listening to my actual system.