Tom wrote,
"Single speaker demo rooms are the only way to audition speakers without undue influence. Empty metal containers with electronic circuitry inside are also passive radiators even when not plugged in. Audio furniture tv monitors all building materials are passive radiators. As you know everything makes a difference..for better or worse is amatter of one's own perception or not."
Not to belabor the point any more than necessary, for the sake of argument let's confine the items to those that cannot be construed as "passive radiators" - LPs, cables, CDs in paper or plastic sleeves (as opposed to jewel boxes), books, magazines, newspapers, telephone books, plants, flowers. If removing any or all of those items from the room improves the sound then the passive radiator theory cannot be the explanation.
"Single speaker demo rooms are the only way to audition speakers without undue influence. Empty metal containers with electronic circuitry inside are also passive radiators even when not plugged in. Audio furniture tv monitors all building materials are passive radiators. As you know everything makes a difference..for better or worse is amatter of one's own perception or not."
Not to belabor the point any more than necessary, for the sake of argument let's confine the items to those that cannot be construed as "passive radiators" - LPs, cables, CDs in paper or plastic sleeves (as opposed to jewel boxes), books, magazines, newspapers, telephone books, plants, flowers. If removing any or all of those items from the room improves the sound then the passive radiator theory cannot be the explanation.