I have put you on the spot and you now choose to sidestep the issue of Bybee products by redirecting the discussion about this specific issue that I brought up in my post to a discussion of frustration and anger. How clever. If you were a "humble scribe" you would not be asking ANYONE to "bow out" of any discussion. You have declared that you have the right to say anything you want. But this apparently only applies to you because others who may be angry or frustrated do not have the right to express their anger and frustration. They must "bow out". In effect, you are now the self-declared moderator of this discussion and you are making the rules about who can stay and who cannot. OF course, you get to stay. Your declaration of humility is obviously a false declaration.
My frustration may have got the better of you but it has certainly not got the better of me. It is very direct and to the point. And who are you, in all your false humility, to ask anyone to bow out of this discussion, let alone the person whom initiated this thread? If anyone should bow out it is clearly you. And you can do so graciously or not for all I care.
May I reiterate something that Bryoncunningham has said very eloquently on more than one occasion. You refuse to answer my questions directly and interpose another topic to redirect the discussion. To wit, who is more qualified to comment on Bybee products? The guy who has 20 of them in his system or the vendor who refuses to divulge how many Bybee products he has in his own system while pontificating about them with authority? How many Bybee products do you have in your system? Will you answer the question directly or will you invite me to bow out of this discussion?
I have put you on the spot and you now choose to sidestep the issue of Bybee products by redirecting the discussion about this specific issue that I brought up in my post to a discussion of frustration and anger. How clever. If you were a "humble scribe" you would not be asking ANYONE to "bow out" of any discussion. You have declared that you have the right to say anything you want. But this apparently only applies to you because others who may be angry or frustrated do not have the right to express their anger and frustration. They must "bow out". In effect, you are now the self-declared moderator of this discussion and you are making the rules about who can stay and who cannot. OF course, you get to stay. Your declaration of humility is obviously a false declaration.
My frustration may have got the better of you but it has certainly not got the better of me. It is very direct and to the point. And who are you, in all your false humility, to ask anyone to bow out of this discussion, let alone the person whom initiated this thread? If anyone should bow out it is clearly you. And you can do so graciously or not for all I care.
May I reiterate something that Bryoncunningham has said very eloquently on more than one occasion. You refuse to answer my questions directly and interpose another topic to redirect the discussion. To wit, who is more qualified to comment on Bybee products? The guy who has 20 of them in his system or the vendor who refuses to divulge how many Bybee products he has in his own system while pontificating about them with authority? How many Bybee products do you have in your system? Will you answer the question directly or will you invite me to bow out of this discussion?