Beware purepower inc

Trading with Purepower can be dangerous ...
I bought a PurePower 1050 Black HS code 8504.40.90 on 11/16/2011, invoice # 739 for $1497.
After 4 months, the unit stopped working : in fact the performances had never been by far those claimed by Purepower. After contacting the management Damian, I shipped back the unit (under warranty), received in Air on 04/24/2012. They told me that the maintenance should not last more than one or two months and that they would ship it back free of charges.
In fact I have never got my unit back : I called them more than ten times ; they always say 'he unit leaves by USP today...', but nothing. Finally, I believe they are not capable of sorting out the problem and that this is a con. I would not at all recommend these products and the team who is not reliable.
I have used a PurePower AP 1050 for 4 years, I think, now. I have had no problems at all. Just the luck of the draw, I suppose.
This forum is becoming off topic and a little vituperative. I would like to offer a last word that I hope will allow some peace.

A customer or ours in France received poor service. We provided an apology, a solution, and a bit of an explanation as to why our company had a difficult first half or 2012 - after 8 years of quietly building a very effective Audio power conditioner.

To clarify for Bombaywalla, PurePower Partners LLC is a US corporation, incorporated in New Jersey. The product is manufactured in Canada. The counterfeit sales took place in Florida and thus the Florida courts are the correct venue for the lawsuits.

In regard to reliability, PurePower model 1050 units were sometimes damaged by a particular type of power surge - which required a factory repair. The incidence was no more than 5%, and while these transient voltages could damage the PurePower's input power supply, the attached audio components received 100% protection - which is a primary function of the unit.

The new PurePower+ does not have that susceptibility. PurePower Partners LLC is in full production of the entire PurePower+ line in Canada. We have not only made major improvements to the product, we have made equal improvements to our service capabilities. We expect every customer to get great support.
To clarify for Bombaywalla, PurePower Partners LLC is a US corporation, incorporated in New Jersey. The product is manufactured in Canada. The counterfeit sales took place in Florida and thus the Florida courts are the correct venue for the lawsuits.
thank you Purepower for the clarification. I had no idea that your company was a US firm; I was (& so was another user who I extremely well) under the impression that Purepower was Canadian. In light of the new info, the US courts getting involved makes sense.
Good luck with your new product offerings! And, I'm sure that you guys have learnt your lesson VERY well. ;-)
I received the unit yesterday. And it is working. I hope that the problem will not appear again.
So far, the case is close on my side.
Purepower is working to resolve an issue for me (and a similar one for another Audiogon user) with a new 2000+ whereby from the moment it was powered on in my system, a humming and buzzing sound emanated from my speakers. The system has no ground loop or other issues and has been stable for a long time with a 2 year old Purepower 2000 unit at the core of it so whatever problem exists, it is in the 2000+ that has been returned to PP for review and analysis. PP has been working diligently to identify the source of the issue and to determine what resolution is necessary. I am eagerly awaiting the shipment of a new 2000+ without these issues as I am keen to upgrade!