Actually, cryogenically treating materials improves their strength, hardness,
durability and stiffness, making them less brittle. The improvement to the
material is due to the atomic structure becoming more homogeneous,
especially for metals that have pressed, bent, drawn or hammered. Thus,
cryo 'd tools last longer, cryo'd golf clubs hit the ball farther, cryo'd brass
musical instruments ring less and sound better, cryo'd Ferarri piston rods
last longer, and the valves on cryo'd trumpets move more smoothly. Put
succinctly, cryoing is cold tempering. Heat tempering obviously also
improves the strength and hardness of metals.
durability and stiffness, making them less brittle. The improvement to the
material is due to the atomic structure becoming more homogeneous,
especially for metals that have pressed, bent, drawn or hammered. Thus,
cryo 'd tools last longer, cryo'd golf clubs hit the ball farther, cryo'd brass
musical instruments ring less and sound better, cryo'd Ferarri piston rods
last longer, and the valves on cryo'd trumpets move more smoothly. Put
succinctly, cryoing is cold tempering. Heat tempering obviously also
improves the strength and hardness of metals.