Vendors Who Post

There are a number of vendors who post to Audiogon discussion threads. I think we can fairly assume that all of them have disclosed that there are in fact vendors and are not hiding this important fact. In my experience, most vendors are very helpful here and do not attempt to primarily use the threads as a marketing tool to solicit customers. They use the threads to give useful information pertaining to their products, to clear up misunderstandings about their products and to correct misperceptions about their products. Most vendors post in a professional way with an appropriate tone. But, alas, there are some vendors who are less professional than others on these forums, in my opinion. How do you feel about the vendors who post here?
I agree with those above who have noted the predations of the Vandersteen Enforcer.

Om the other hand, he appears to be genuinely passionate about the speakers, and although I seem to recall that he is not quite compulsive about using the dealer disclaimer, I doubt anyone is deceived.

For all that, non-professionals are often guilty of the one-recommendation-fits-all posting persona. There's a private user who recs Vandys for everything, even when the OP is asking about a drill press or vacuum cleaner. And to be fair, I probably get a bit repetitive about the kit I like.

In the end, I see the presence of professionals on the site as a big plus.

Don't be depressed Rok! Given that most individual kit purchases are much bigger investments than most individual music purchases, it's unsurprising that boards have more dithering about gear. But there's a lot of music discussion here; it's one of the best things about the site (looks like I post most about speakers, second most about music).

My only complaint about the music threads is that some guy keeps posting that people can't tell, in blind tests, the difference between bands ! ;)

'My only complaint about the music threads is that some guy keeps posting that people can't tell, in blind tests, the difference between bands ! ;)'

hahahahahahah was that a broadside across my bow??? Excellent!!!
It's fine for vendors to post, and they're pretty decent fellows for the most part. They have their reasons for posting, and are often beneficial to the forums. There's one vendor here who is a world-class ass**** on practically every word he writes here... and he could care less.
'There's one vendor here who is a world-class ass**** on practically every word he writes here... and he could care less.'

I think we all know who HE is!!