AC Outlets

Where do I search for ac outlets?
Of course I assume that you have heard all outlets available oh powerful one while we mere mortals continue to struggle along.
Rja (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

If your outlets are making sounds you hear, maybe you should be calling an electrician.:-)
"Don't confuse me with the facts, My mind is made up." Herbert Spencer's mother-in-law.
I never made any claims about outlets one way or another. It is just my contention that some posters on this thread are trying to dictate their "beliefs" on everyone else in a rather dictatorial manner and belittling them as well.
If you do not believe there are sonic differences between different outlets why participate in the conversation?
State your position and then vamoose muchacho!

The OP was "Where do I search for ac outlets?"

I was the first to offer suggestions - not as to how and outlet "sounds" but to what I think is important for a electrical outlet, ie. make a solid point of contact.

I do have some experience in just that. I started at age 15 as an Electrician apprentice, in Europe (I'm from Denmark) that's an education that takes 3.5 years of where 1 year is spent on the school bench, and 2.5 years working with electrical installations under the immediate supervision of a trained Electrician, ie one that has completed the 3.5 years of apprenticeship and under the direction of a Electrical Engineer. Upon completion of my apprenticeship I went directly to college to get my Electrical Engineering degree.

I'm not stating this to "belittle" anyone, that is not my nature, I offered advise to try to help on a subject that I know about.

It is my contention that there is way too much snake oil in this industry - and I do think that subjects like this adds to that simply because facts are ignored.

Good Listening,


Rja, these are facts stated about outlets, not just beliefs. As I stated, I never have seen anything, that supports an outlet having any sound characteristic. Show me proof, if you believe otherwise.

This comes from engineers, and other knowledgeable people, that help make audio reproduction as we know it happen. Also other electronic based products, that even helps make our world better, and life easier. Same electronics behind that too. Based on facts.

Get to know some engineers. Study some electronics, and learn how these things work. If you did, it may help you understand some statements others make. Then when you've built amps, power supplies, even just for an amateur hobby, you'll find out how different parts in them, the voltage supplying them, can influence their different sound. Or just modify some. That helps make some statements made, more than just what we believe. It helps bring the facts out.