Onhwy61; I think what you are describing are members of the amp of the month club. Whereby when something newer and "better" comes out they absolutely must have it. And you know what? If that person can afford it and is enjoying life, more power to him/her. However, continuing refinement is okay to the extent that some really love music and accurate music reproduction and realize that they aren't "there" yet. Again, more power to them. Some people are that way with cars. Others with watches, and others have their different things. It is ever moving for them. For me, while my hearing is okay, I love good music and the best reproduction of such music (that I can afford). I know what I would do/buy if I won the lottery. I know it would be an improvement. Not a jaw dropping improvement, but an improvement non-the-less. and with the time I have left (hopefully a long time), it would be an enjoyment, not an addiction.