New level of ridiculousness

$8,995 for a power strip???
Stick 8 off the shelf receptacles in a marble??? box, and there it is.
It is getting more and more ridiculous. As if manufacturers are now driven by a desire to extract as much $$$ from aaudiophiles with sufficient income, and not by a desire to advance the quality of their products.
I wonder...
10-31-12: Viridian
Ya know, I was just down at the grocery store buyin' a nice box of Carlo Rossi rose. It gets the missis in the mood, ya know? There was some moron right next to me pickin' out some Chateau Effete something or other, from 1954, he said it was "new original stock" or somethin'. Like they made it, but no one drunk it. Well, if no one wanted it from 1954 to now, why the hell am I gonna' drink it? Hell, I want fresh wine, in a new box, not that old crap.

Reminds me of Steve Martin in "The Jerk"
I think marble was a poor choice. There are better stone materials - like steatite. Would not have to line it with cork.

I don't mind an attempt to go all out on any component, but when bling simply takes over, as in this case, it does not appeal.

No one's heard of Sound Application RLS-X?

Sadly (to my wallet), they actually work :(

I ended up with 3: 2x regular and 1x X.

Lucky I bought the regular ones used.
And how do we know that if a careful and genuinely open-minded comparison was performed in a $300K system between that power strip and a variety of $500 strips, that one of those relatively inexpensive strips would not provide sonic results that are comparable or even better?

Al, of course, we don't know that, but it is also not very likely to be objective after spending that much money. Person who really believes that ultra expensive power strip should sound better will hear that. There is nothing wrong with improvement thru placebo effect as long as one can afford it. Please don't doubt or conduct blindfold tests since it might ruin perfectly good placebo effect improvement. Just let this person be (that's perhaps what my friends think, seeing my double runs of inch thick speaker cables)
if I were building a cost-no-object rig from $300K+ I sure wouldn't use crap as a power bar.

At RMAF, I think those power strips were in the room with the big 100k Lansche speakers. IMO, the sound was pretty uninspiring, not contending for one of the better rooms in the show. I wonder if they should have spent more on powerstrips?
