Made in America

I just saw on ABC news a segment about made in america and was curious if made in america meant anything to the audiophiles who live and work in the good ole USA.
Just read an article on NPR. Most "American" car? Toyota Avalon, 85% of all parts made in USA or Canada and assembled in USA. Who woulda guessed? I would have thought a Buick or something like that. My Subaru was built in Indiana.

My entire audio system, except PCs and AC outlets, is nominally US made but percentage wise (parts) it's anyone's guess.

I think at one time this question would have been relatively easy to answer but these days it's much less clear.
Yes. Built/Made in America means much more to me than other gear made outside of the USA!
for those who are concerned about "made in america", consider the possibility that you could purchase a product, be happy with it and find out that that it has no american part, and was manufactured outside of the us. Is that a problem ?
MrT, mis-direction is not a new marketing trick. I do my due diligence when purchasing, that does not mean that I've never been lied to. Hell, lying is as American as apple pie!! Life happens, what you gonna do?