Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of

state. I was calling a few dealers out of state looking for better pricing on a product. Another reason I'm trying to buy out of state is to save the high sales tax in Southern California. A couple of dealers I talked to refused to sell product out of state.They said they have an agreement with the distributor not to sell out of state. It's amazing how distributors have such a hold on the retailer. High-end audio Isn't exactly setting the world on fire yet they have all these restrictions for the retailer. I can buy a rolex watch out of state or even a ferrari. Why can't I buy audio equipment out of state if I choose to? Yes, I know there are mail order companies that carry lines they can sell across state lines. The problem is these firms sell at list price and I'm not going to pay list for anything including audio equipment.
Competition is the main driver of economy, but I guess it's unfair for the business owners at higher-taxed states be affected by tax difference vs. other cheaper states. If I were dealer and would be affected by this problem, I would simply quit ordering particular product sooner or later as unprofitable waste of time and resources.

Your options are as follows:
1. Bargain with dealer for the better price
2. Drive out of state if that will worth difference
3. Purchase from dealer for asking price
4. Choose another product that has larger room for options.
Taters wrote: "Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of state..."

Spoken like a true consumer, i.e. one who has no idea of the competitive pressures and costs associated with being an audio dealer in today's web economy. Why don't you spend a few extra dollars for sales tax (which I assure you, CA desperately needs) and support a local audio dealer?

FYI - although almost no one does so, LEGALLY you are obligated to pay use tax in CA on gear that you purchase online from out of state. This is the Just so you know...
The aversion to paying list price comes from the fact that with due research you'll find someone who would sell it for 30% off. It's just the market and the law of supply and demand. For a dealer, I imagine, it is better to sell an item at a lower profit margin than not to sell it at all. So, if you're choosing to pay list price, you're being very generous to a dealer for no reason at all.
For people that have a full service retail shop that actually keeps their half of the consumer bargain, I agree, those people should pay full retail price. Since the vast majority of audiophiles do not have such a retail establishment, we should not have to pay full price.

I do not have a dealer providing any of the following:
1. Large inventory of demo-able components and speakers.
2. Ability to visit many times and just browse with no pressure to buy until I'm ready.
3. Knowledgable advice.
4. Post sales service.
5. Trade ins welcome.

Instead, I have local dealers with zero demo stock who have not even heard the product I want to buy. They know far less about the product than I do. Yes, they are willing to allow me to walk in, order the multi-thousand dollar product and let me pick it up (and carry to my car myself) when it arrives and only ask for a mere 40% of the sales price for their service. No thanks.

And yes, I'd love it if all high end was simply sold on amazon at the lowest cost possible to the consumer. Really I don't see what the difference would be to most audiophiles....