Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of

state. I was calling a few dealers out of state looking for better pricing on a product. Another reason I'm trying to buy out of state is to save the high sales tax in Southern California. A couple of dealers I talked to refused to sell product out of state.They said they have an agreement with the distributor not to sell out of state. It's amazing how distributors have such a hold on the retailer. High-end audio Isn't exactly setting the world on fire yet they have all these restrictions for the retailer. I can buy a rolex watch out of state or even a ferrari. Why can't I buy audio equipment out of state if I choose to? Yes, I know there are mail order companies that carry lines they can sell across state lines. The problem is these firms sell at list price and I'm not going to pay list for anything including audio equipment.

I don't hear the gear before I buy it. I buy it, live with it for a few weeks and sell it if I'm not totally satisfied. Since I buy low, I can sell for little loss. With this sytem I get to home demo everything I buy.

But, if the manufacturers would stop fighting the inevitable change to their business model, they could stop propping up failing dealers and instead focus on more audio shows. Also, as I suggested before, they should be producing high quality videos of their gear with high end pro mics. This is obviously not the same as an in person demo, but it would still go a long way.

If something breaks, then the manufacturer must provide some type of service. Why does that require a dealer? Bryston for example services all their amps themselves.

I recently bought an expensive pre-amp without ever hearing it. The price was right and I figured if I didn't like it I could sell it on the Gon for what I paid or a few dollars less.

There are a lot of repair shops in Southern California and I can get most things fixed here. In fact I have never had to ship a piece to get repaired.

I'm not just trying to save the sales tax. I'm also looking for a discount.
Look harder for discount(s) to find it or them and fill up yourself with patience. They will happen if not today, but maybe tomorrow or later and pretty darn local to ya!
I will use Jaxwired's response as an example: "...Since I buy low, I can sell for little loss."

So as I see it, you want to buy new gear for (close to) the price of used, depreciated gear. There is nothing wrong with that, except that this model does not allow any operating margin for B&M stores to operate. Maybe you are OK with that; I am not.

I buy and sell a lot of gear, mostly used. I find that most anything I am looking for is available in good condition and at a substantial discount on the used market. But when I do buy new gear, I insist on a fair deal from the dealer - fair for both me and the dealer. And I prefer to buy locally, even if that means that I have to pay sales taxes. In my case and yours, it's the cost of living in sunny California.