LeAmp from Norh?

Anyone heard or have purchased a pair of these monoblocks? I've never seen anything as inexpensive that has such an impressive power supply.
An acquaintance of mine has a pair and likes them very much. He says there is a lot of bang for your money. I have never personally heard them.
You can find reviews and comparisons of the Norh Le Amp at www.harmonicdiscord.com. Harmonic Discord is a forum similar to Audiogon; the discussions there tend to center around lesser known companies like Norh, Bolder Cables, Mapleshade, and Home Grown Audio. From what I've read you get tremendous value for a $495 pair of monoblocks. Go read the direct comparison between the Odyssey Audio Stratos and the Le Amps.
I have a pair and I really like them. I have no experience with high dollar amps in my house but I do enjoy the smooth sound. They are as described built like a tank, heavy, great on bass, and smooth. I don't think they sound rolled off as stated by some. Recordings vary too much to use this as an issue.
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