Audio Research...

in buying Audio Research, specifically a preamp, assuming I don't personally favour one over the other, is it better to get the silver faceplate or the black faceplate insofar as ease of resale if upgrading (or downgrading for that matter, perish the thought)? Is it worth bothering? Any thoughts.
It really does not matter in terms of resale. If someone is looking for one and there are not many to choose from, I am guessing, the faceplate color will be less important.

If you are buying new, ask your dealer which he sells more of, or, call Leonard at ARC and ask him. I am sure that will be a very enlightening phone call (What, we have different faceplate colors?). :)
do blonds or brunettes have more fun? I suppose it all depends. I have noticed that silver is gaining in popularity check some of the recent brit amps from Arcam, Creek, MF they all look pretty smart in silver.
The silver or black face is just a matter of preference. Personally, the silver face is harder to scratch, if by some reason that should happen.
I like black and won't even consider buying a silver faceplate either new or used, but that is just my own personal preference