VTL Service ??

I am considering buying an amp by VTL and have been told their service is very poor.
Do any of you have any firsthand experience with them??
Am considering their ST150.
Thx for your help.
Wow, I was ready to order the MB 450 but after reading about the customer service issues (actually customer avoidence issues)I think I will go w/ Cary. Their service is will known for excellence.
Phillyleggs, I actually went to VTL's factory in CA this summer and met Bea Lam. She is really a very nice person who loves music, and was extremely accomodating and helpful to me in person, but their philosophy does seem to be to play everything close to the vest, especially when it comes to owners of second-hand VTL gear. Trying to talk to them on the phone or through email can be a frustrating experience in certain ways, yet I wouldn't ever say that owners of new (or even used) VTL gear would be left out in the cold. Part of it is, I think, simply a communication problem - Bea's first language was not English. And part of it seems like there might be a bit of corporate paranoia that I presume may be some fallout of the history with Luke's father David (Darth? ;^) Manley and the company bearing his name that is now VTL's competitor. It's not that their service is bad in any way, but they always want you to go exclusively through them, even if you're not under warranty, and they don't seem particularly forthcoming about anything. I don't think this is actually too unusual in companies where the principles are responsible for customer service, rather than them having someone on the payroll to act as the service liason. I will say this: VTL's service, while not cheap, is definitely thorough. And I'm not too sure that anything Cary makes would give you the combination of qualities present in the 450's (and vice versa, I've no doubt) - apples and oranges, to some degree. Listen and see, and if you like the VTL, I'd still go for it, 'cause when the needle hits the groove, it's good stuff for the money.
Well, I have an earlier post on this thread regarding my experiences with VTL, which have been at least 90% positive, so I won't repeat that here. I'd just like to say, they are apparently a 2-person company. And I got a very positive & fast response to every one of my issues or questions every time I called them, even tho I'd bought both of my VTL components used. They did often point out however, that I'd get better service, etc. if I'd bought them brand new from a dealer. I guess you can't blame them for that.

Hey--if you buy used audio gear that's not under warranty any more, you're taking your chances. VTL is a "boutique brand", I think it's fair to say, so maybe you have to weigh the trade offs--you can buy a Camry, or a Ferrari, or a vintage BMW, what do you want?

Recently I called Krell, because I was thinking of buying a used FBP amp, & asked to know the history of that particular amp. The guy at Krell I spoke to, absolutely refused to give me any info, & was very rude & abrupt about it. I've never gotten that treatment at VTL, or any other tube mfg.

With any high-end purchase, esp. used, you've gotta ask yourself, where & how can you get service if you need it. If I lived on the West Coast, I'd be way into VTL......as it is, I still happily own a VTL pre-amp......


Obviously, there was supposed to be a script proir to my p.s.. Seems to have gotten lost. The contents of which were supposed to read something like...Phillyleggs, I think Zaikesman is right on. Though they both used tubes, I think Cary and VTL are quite a bit different. VTL's less than sparkling reputation for customer service runs long, wide and deep. Both customers and retailers have complained vehemently about them for some time now. I value customer service a lot. I've been scared off