Recommended integrated for B&W 802?

Hi all-

Looking for integrated amps to put on the audition list. Speakers are B&W Matrix 802s - would like phono section as well. After reading the posts here, it seems like the overwhelming consensus is that Krells are too bright for the B&Ws. Levinson is pricey - plinius? mcintosh? Looking for something around $2k new/used. Need a good foundation to build the system around.
Based solely on a number of articles that I've read over the past 6 months, there seems to be a goodly number of excellent integrated amps on the market right now. Some of the ones that have received very good reviews include: Bryston B-60 (Canadian); Lavardin (French); Brinkmann (German); Sim Audio I-5 (Canadian); and Creek 5350SE (British). If you have some major bucks to spend, then you should also take a look at Mark Levinson's new integrated.
Well......why does it have to be an integrated? These are really good speakers; you can go pretty crazy with associated components with these & not out-class the speakers. But I would say, avoid the Krell KAV's, check out the Plinius & Classe's for integrated's. These speakers sound great with tubes, but you need more power than most tube integrateds have. Good luck!
While I've never owned this speaker I can't imagine that there are too many integrateds out there that could really offer the juice you might need (depending on room size...) to make these guys sing! A high powered Plinius or Classe might do the trick. Maybe a big Mac?

There was a thread about 2-3 months ago from a guy in France purchasing or auditioning a very large and powerfull integrated - maybe its the Lavardin mentioned above??? It was a beast and might be worth looking into...
I love my 802/S2's, and am definetly "old school": Adcom 565 Preamp and 555 amp (200w/ch).I'm Happy!
Try the Arcam or Rotel integrated amplifiers for excellent sound quality and affordable. Levinson 383 would be the cost no object answer.