Opinions on Hovland HP 100

Looking into this pre-amp but do not have a local dealer. Strongly recommended by a friend who has roughly the same system as I . I have never listened to it. My pre-amp does need upgraded. I like the sound of Audio Research but am told that Hovland and the TacT RCS are better. Any thoughts ? Thanks!!
I tried the HP 100 in my system. I found that it did some things very well.. Voices were about the best I heard, Highs were smooth and silky, The dynamics were lacking and the overall presentation was ... weak. The best advice is to get one to TRY in your system. We all have different tastes and goals in what we like.
I ordered my HP 100 at the beginning of October and it arrived a week ago. It was worth the wait. I'm getting more out of my system than I had before. Outstanding presentation and its barely broken in. The sound is smooth and silky and just to my liking. Now I'm looking forward to pairing it with the Hovland Sapphire amp. Has anynone heard the Sapphire? My dealer is still waiting for his.
I heard it at the NY HiFi Show. Set up as it was with Hovland HP-100, Accuphase CD player and Audio Physic speaker, it was frighteningly bright. Do not buy the Saphire without listening to it first.