Sim I-5 vs. Plinius Integrateds. Which one?

Hello. Currently I'm using a Sim Audio Moon I-5 integrated amp with 70 watts/channel. It sounds awfully nice through my dynamic speakers. However, with the best of my "system buster" CDs it will occasionlly go into clipping if I play it at front row levels. I've been considering one of the more powerful Plinius itegrateds but, since I'm unable to hear them let alone A/B them, I'll ask for comments from anyone who can offer an opinion about these two products. I would entertain other suggestions as well. The two requirements are that it have a remote control and not cost more than about $3k new or used. Thank you!
Hi, Penragn. I second Sdcambell's suggestion using the pre in the i-5 and slap on the best deal you can swing on a bryston. I've heard bryston amps on sim pres-amps and they swing together very well....however might I should mention the sim amps sounded even better than the bryston on a sim pre....if you locate a sim 4150se power amp you could get a lot of amp for a very reasonable price as they are [like my 4070se], now discontinued. The 4150 is 150 into 8 ohms and doubles easily into 4 ohms....This would give you a chance to experiment with higher power without breaking the bank....good luck. whatever you choose do try it on the sim first, and good hunting....bluenose
It looks like you have gotten some good advice aleady. At 3k I would consider the Musical Fidelity AC3R amp and pre, that said, my guess is that these will not play the "thunderous" rock level you would like; the Bryson that was suggested may be your best bet.
If you are happy with the sonics of your Moon I-5, why not use it as a pre and pick up a W-5 amp? A used one with a decent used interconnect should be within your budget. Happy listening. Erik
Thanks to all of you who responded...good suggestions all. Just to clarify one little point: I don't listen to rock (Dire Straits is about the heaviest rock I listen to). The clipping I heard on my 92 dB efficient Tyler Linbrook Monitors was on a Reference Recordings CD of Stravinsky's The Firebird and also on a couple of other RR "system busters." I wonder if I've become a volume junky??:)
I got an I-5 hooked up to 91 dB Virgos and never run into any clipping problems. Guess, I listen at pretty moderate levels, though. With regard to the volume junkie, take care and don't ruin your ears!
Actually, I plan to get a tube power amp (probably a BAT VK-60) sometime soon and wondered, if anybody actually used the I-5 as a pre and can comment on its pre-amp qualities (the I-5 sounds a little too neutral to me, hence the tube amp).