Low ESR = good
High Ripple Current = good
ASC caps are film caps; film caps are always preferable to electrolytics. And they are huge. I use Solens in the power supply of my Supratek preamp (replacing electrolytics) and they are definitely an improvement over the stock e-lytics. You need lots of room, however, to replace an electrolytic with a film, and I don't think your piece has that kind of room.
High Ripple Current = good
ASC caps are film caps; film caps are always preferable to electrolytics. And they are huge. I use Solens in the power supply of my Supratek preamp (replacing electrolytics) and they are definitely an improvement over the stock e-lytics. You need lots of room, however, to replace an electrolytic with a film, and I don't think your piece has that kind of room.