Has anyone heard the Innersound Electrostatic amp?

Hello all. I'm currently using a Odyssey Stratos amp with my Magnepan 1.6qr's and with good results. I've considered trying the Innersound Electrostatic amp which puts out high voltage and is 1200w/4 ohm! What could I expect if I was to go from 260w to 1200w on the 1.6qr? Thanks in advance for the responses.
Plato could you tell me about your Innersound amp and your associated equipment? Did you compare the Innersound to any other amps and with what results? Thanks!
What difference in sound could I expect between my Odyssey Stratos(260w/4ohm)compared to the innersound esl(600w/4ohm)? Magnepans sound can compress when pushed too hard and wondering if this might happen with the esl amp on the maggies. Anyone using a tube preamp with their Innersound esl amp and with what results?
Brad, i don't think that the Stratos is rated at 260 @ 4 ohms, as Klaus has altered the specs since they were first introduced. Needless to say, some people were REALLY upset about this and felt as if they were "ripped off". You can find a thread about this on the general Asylum if you do a search.

With that in mind, you would probably notice a DRASTIC increase in sound quality when pushing the volume control up. Amps with high rail voltages / high current capacity ( and the Innersound is both of those ) typically retain their "relaxed" sonics even when most other amps are starting to blend things together, sound smeared and compressed, add grain and glare, etc... Sean
Thank you all for the responses. I think a blind listening test will be arranged between my current amp and the Innersound. Happy listening and happy holidays!